IARC is actively involved in policy development and law reform, with a view to ensuring access and equity in Australia’s immigration processes and promoting a just and equitable migration system.

Our practical experience provides government and law reformers with invaluable insights into the effects, and sometimes the unintended consequences, of changes to laws and legal processes.

Policy and law reform submissions

Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Bill 2023

21 July 2023

On 21 July 2023, IARC and Unions NSW made a joint submission to the Migration Amendment (Strengthening Employer Compliance) Bill 2023. We provide advice and recommendations to improve rights of migrant workers in Australia.


IARC & Unions NSW – A Migration System for Australia’s Future

15 December 2022

On 15 December 2022, IARC and Unions NSW made a joint submission to assist the government in the development of a new migration strategy.


Draft National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032

28 February 2022

Nearly 50% of the work we do at our centre is related to DFV, and in 2020/2021 IARC provided over 1100 individual legal services to more than 350 temporary visa holders experiencing family violence.


Migration Amendment (Protecting Migrant Workers) Bill 2021 [Provisions]

28 January 2022

This joint submission with Unions NSW draws on the knowledge gained from our Visa Assist partnership to offer recommendations to improve working conditions for migrant workers.


Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into Family Migration

03 May 2021

On 3 May 2021, IARC made a submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee’s inquiry which is looking into the efficacy, fairness, timeliness and costs of family reunion visas.


Department of Home Affairs’ Consultation on English Language Requirements for Partner Visa Applicant and Sponsors

31 March 2021

We believe that the proposed reforms will make it harder for temporary visa holders who experience family violence to seek help. We also believe that the reforms are unnecessary, unfair and discriminatory.


NSW Joint Select Committee Inquiry into Coercive Control in Domestic Relationships

09 March 2021

On 16 March 2021, IARC made a submission to the Joint Select Committee calling for increased education, improved access to services, long-term sustainable funding for specialist DFV services and improved training for police.


Migration Amendment (Prohibited Items in Immigration Detention Facilities) Bill 2020

15 October 2020

IARC made a submission in June 2020, expressing our view that this Bill was not appropriate or justified, and imposed unreasonable, unnecessary, and disproportionate limitations on the right to privacy.


Senate Select Committee on Temporary Migration

30 July 2020

In this submission, we ask for changes to empower migrant workers in workplace settings and to create clearer pathways to permanent residency.


House Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence

24 July 2020

On 24 July 2020, IARC made a submission to the House Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee’s enquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence, drawing on our extensive experience in this area.


Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security

18 April 2019

IARC provided a submission into the Review into the Counter-Terrorism (Temporary Exclusion Orders) Bill 2019, setting out a number of concerns about the Bill that ultimately informs our view that it should not be passed.


Australian Citizenship Legislation Amendment (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017

09 February 2019

This submission was concerned with proposed changes to the English language requirement, amendment to the provisions relating to citizenship by birth, and expansion of the Minister’s public interest powers to set aside decisions made by the AAT.


Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into Dowry Abuse

09 February 2019

IARC provided a submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee’s Inquiry into the practice of dowry abuse in Australia, with a particular focus on how such abuse might impact on migrant women and their visa status with particular regards to situations where there is domestic or family violence involved.
